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The Estate


Our land belongs to the oldest rice crops in Europe


The estate covers about 100 hectares of rice fields and lake areas


Inclusion of the estate in the Special Nature Reserve and Safeguard Area of the San Genuario Marsh


Tenuta Favorita is located in the Vercelli plain within the territories defined as "Grange", famous for the ancient rice cultivation starting from the 13th century AD. It was the Cistercian monks who introduced the new crop, finding in these fertile and water-rich lands the natural habitat for the development of this cereal.

Although existing since the 16th century, the farmhouse was officially identified for the first time within the Napoleonic Cadastre of 1800, where the Marquis Garessio Martino D’Agliè was the owner of buildings and land belonging to the Favorita Estate.

In 1802 the entire property was purchased by Baron Emilio Vitta who, together with his son Raffaele, contributed to a strong modernization of agricultural techniques, obtaining brilliant results regarding the profitability of the land and the sale of the product.

Thanks to this increase, the Vitta Barons decided to rebuild the entire estate in 1835; this important restructuring gave new shapes and dimensions that still characterize it today.

During the second half of the nineteenth century, following the modernization and reorganization of the irrigation network, several landowners had strong disagreements with the institutions for the payment of municipal taxes regarding the use of water. In light of these facts, Baroness Elena Vitta Oppenheimer waged a very important legal battle for the use of the fountains within her properties and for which she was sure to boast the title of exclusive use. Thanks to this action, the positive verdict was reached in 1905, which definitively granted what belongs to the right to Tenuta Favorita.

Nel 1935 il tenimento venne acquistato da Daniele Schneider, industriale tessile Alsaziano.

Tenuta Favorita is located in the Vercelli plain within the territories defined as "Grange", famous for the ancient rice cultivation starting from the 13th century AD. It was the Cistercian monks who introduced the new crop, finding in these fertile and water-rich lands the natural habitat for the development of this cereal.

The Project

Fino al 2019 il riso da noi prodotto è sempre stato venduto all’ingrosso, senza valorizzare il prodotto attraverso le successive lavorazioni con l’obbiettivo di raggiungere il cliente finale;  nasce cosi la volontà di impegnarsi in questa nuova avventura attraverso la creazione del nuovo marchio ma soprattutto la creazione del valore aggiunto distribuito sull’intera filiera.

La Famiglia Schneider, attuale conduttrice dell’attività, ha sempre avuto una grande passione per la natura e ciò l’ha spinta a credere fortemente nei valori unici della nostra terra; è per questo motivo che siamo certi di aver intrapreso la scelta giusta decidendo di valorizzare l’intero progetto, anche attraverso la ristrutturazione del cascinale storico che ci rappresenta.


The orientation towards environmental sustainability makes us happy and proud to be able to contribute to a better future for the planet


Dedication to nature and attention to details are two key elements of the project


Activation of a new laboratory dedicated to processing and the creation of new recipes

Natural Area

The “Palude di San Genuario” SIC (Site of Community Interest) was founded in 2004 and occupies a large part of the land owned by the estate; it is particularly recognized for the abundant presence of clear water springs and numerous species of protected animals including mainly birds. So it is in this natural park where very rare specimens nest, including the Bittern, the Red Heron and the Marsh Harrier, attracting the attention of naturalist photographers and lovers of “Bird Watching”.

Within this area, the containment of the impact deriving from the use of pesticides is essential to guarantee the maintenance and increase of the qualitative integrity of the circulating water. The habitats and species of interest present on the site are all functionally dependent on the quality of the existing irrigation network.

It is a matter of pride for us to be included in this protected oasis; thanks to our commitment to the conservation of biodiversity as well as to the support of various types of maintenance and monitoring activities, we are happy to be able to contribute significantly to the sustainability of the environment around us.